Monday, July 19, 2010

Yayoi and Kofun Periods

As the Jomon period came to an end, it was replaced by the more refined Yayoi culture. Whereas the Jomon people were mostly hunter-gatherers, the Yayoi had learned farming techniques from mainland Asia and become more domesticated, living in villages typically comprised of thatched huts.

Their pottery became more refined. Still made using hand-building methods, their vessels exhibit clean, functional shapes. Potters began to take pains to make their pots smooth and waterproof, employing techniques that include coating the inside of the pots with slip.

Following the Yayoi period was the Kofun, which is marked by the introduction of high-fired (above 2000° F) pottery and the use of the potter's wheel. The pottery was fired in an anagama kiln, a tubular, wood-fired kiln of Korean design.

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